Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Nice Watch? Shouldn't it say Nike?

Hong Kong is a fun city. On the first night here we visited the night market in Temple Street. It's a great place to by designer goods a bargain prices. Roollex, Deisel, Timberlamp, Won Dutch and Calvin Clean you name it you can buy it and I have no reason to believe that they are not the genuine article!

We purchased some watches. Personally I think a Nike watch for less than 2 pounds is an excellent deal. I expect it will last me for 3 maybe even 4....weeks before it stops working. It was fun to haggle for it anyway.

Hong Kong is famous for the amazing view of the harbour from the top of Victoria Peak, particularly at night. We'd seen the cheesy light show from the harbour the night before. All the building lights flash in time to some music and there are some "LASERS" and spot lights. So we thought we would hop on the tram, or to give it it's correct name the funicular (and it was fun), and watch the show for the second night but this time from 400m up.

Not a sausage! Apparently it is a great view but from where I was standing you couldn't see the lights on any buildings. Warm enough to wear a T-Shirt but fog that stopped us seeing more than 50m! The digital pictures men at the top were doing a roaring trade as they would take a picture of you and super-impose you on to a view of Hong Kong on a beautifully clear summer evening. Unfortunately at the moment a faked photo is as close as you can get to seeing the Harbour.

We will have to return to see the view another time. I will probably need a new watch by then anyway.

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