Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Freedom of the Spity of Beijing

Todays blog is fuelled by Tsingtao Beer. 30p a pint. Happy days

I'm on my own today as Anna has a bad foot as she has mentioned. This means I have been let loose in Beijing all on my own. It also means she won't correct the spellings in my blog.

I set off full of hope and exploration. I passed the man who has tried to sell me DVD's on 4 previous occasions. We trade banter like old freinds. I have no DVD player and he has no English. It's beautiful. I keep walking dodging the spitters in the street. The Chinese don't wear masks. At first it thought this was because they were not as clean or concerned about fumes as the Japanese. The reality is that they don't wear them because one would seriously inhibit their ability to spit on the floor which they like to do regularly and with some ferocity! Walk through a crowd of Chinese people and you need some Riverdance skills in order to keep your shoes clean.

I'm off to the forbidden city. It's forbidden because no one was allowed in for 500 years. To get there I have to hot foot it across Tiananmen Square apparently the worlds largest public square which is great until it gets closed and you're the wrong side of it!. You can't ride a bike in the square and that makes for a pleasent walk. Try to walk anywhere else and you get attacked by the 9 million bicylces of Beijing!

I've bargained with the man in the square and I'm now looking at a Chairman Mao watch (he waves instead of a second hand. Genius) for 30 rmb instead of the original 120. My bargaining has consisted of walking and saying "no thanks I don't need one". I've declined the kite seller and made a realtively smooth passage to the forbidden city.

"I'm sorry sir can I give you a guided tour of the forbidden city?" "Excuse me sir can I give you a tour of the forbidden city?" " I show you round the forbidden city only 100RMB" "Do you need a tour guide for the forbidden city?" "Where are you from? Do you know any chinese? Do you want a tour guide for the forbidden city?" No, No, No, No and England No No!

I'm not that impressed with the forbidden city. This is maybe because I lack culture and an artistic streak but on that subject I was again asked on 4 separate occasions to visit and art gallery and comment on their work. I must look like...... a tourist! I walk the city and observe the tour groups lead by their guide with a flag on a stick. I snap some photos but the reality is it doesn't really float my boat.

I leave to find the the worlds largest public square is closed. Parliament is kicking out and that means I'm not allowed in. The square is now full of coaches and Audi A6's with blacked out windows. I find my way down a narrow street to get to where I want to go.

Near the hostel I got stopped for the probably the 50th time. "Excuse me sir can I speak English with you" I agree expecting the usual ulterior motive of art gallery, tea house, tour of Beijing etc. I was taken by surprise. They guy just wanted to talk to me. He was an English Student and loved London. He's never been to London but he loved it anyway. It goes to show that not everyone is out to fleece you.

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